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Why You Still Need Human Customer Service in a World of Automation and Chatbots

Why You Still Need Human Customer Service in a World of Automation and Chatbots

It’s the dream of every overworked business owner – wave a magic wand and all the administrative tasks will be done for you. You’ll finally focus all your time on the reason you started your bus

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4 Ways to Show Customer Service Agents that They Make a Difference

4 Ways to Show Customer Service Agents that They Make a Difference

With customer service being an entry level position that earns its agents minimum wage, it’s hard for many agents to see the bigger picture of just how much impact they make. But you know b

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What to Look for in an Outsourced Call Center / Customer Support

What to Look for in an Outsourced Call Center / Customer Support

“Fully established as an industry, the call center industry is a billion-dollar industry that employs almost 300,000 people in Texas alone. Indian-based Tata Consulting Services is the world’s lea

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